REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate Not a Celestial Joke! Blessed are the poor? – the hungry? – those who mourn? What is Jesus doing in these Beatitudes? Jesus…
REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart Try to picture what Simon Peter was like. He was a very proud man, and his reputation as a fisherman…
Australia Day Reflection by Fr Michael Tate The Beatitudes we just heard are at the beginning of the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. This sermon provides a picture of…
Gospel Reflection Today’s first reading from Isaiah is one of several references in the Old Testament that use wedding imagery – bride and groom – to describe the…
REFLECTION by Nick Brodie Pope Francis draws our attention to a couple of interesting aspects of Jesus’ baptism, which offer useful lessons for Christians today. One of these…
REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate Stars and Seekers after Truth Unlike the writers of the horoscope columns in our newspapers, these Wise Men were scholar astrologers, probably from…