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Sacraments > Baptism

Baptism is the first sacrament. It incorporates us into the Church and through it we are ‘reborn’ as daughters and sons of God. Baptism is performed by immersion in or pouring of water and the words ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit’.

Parents who ask to have their children baptised accept the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith and bringing them up to keep God’s commandments.

For more general information about Baptism in the Catholic Church please refer to the Archdiocese of Brisbane website or visit Flame of Faith website

Please download and complete the Baptism enrolment form (PDF) and email a scanned copy to ne****@bn*.au together with the following required documents:
1. Birth certificate copy of the child
2. Baptismal certificate copy of the Catholic Parent/s and Catholic Godparent/s

Or you can use the online form here.

You can settle the minimal baptism fee of $100 per child through the payment gateway BPOINT safe and secure once you have submitted all the requirements.

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St Brigid's Catholic Parish Nerang

Archbishop: Most Rev Mark Coleridge BA DSS

Administrator: Rev Albert Wasniowski OSPPE

Parish office address:
39-49 McLaren Road
Nerang QLD 4211

Office hours: Monday 9AM-12Noon / Tuesday 1.30PM-3.30PM  /  Friday 9AM-3.30PM

Enquire now

Please send your interest by contacting the parish by using the form below.

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