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Sacraments > Reconciliation

Everyone occasionally does things they regret or perhaps know they shouldn’t have done, and that’s why the Sacrament of Penance is so important. Commonly called Confession, the Sacrament of Penance is all about healing. Remember, no matter what you have done, God loves you and is ready to forgive you. But first you need to speak to God about what happened, and Catholics do that through a ritual of confession, penance and absolution.

The idea of confessing something you did wrong to someone might make you anxious or uncomfortable, and the Church understands this. That’s why Catholic priests are bound to a seal of confession. This means a Catholic priest can never repeat any sins you confess to him in the confessional to anyone for any reason. Penance is a sacrament of forgiveness and celebrates God’s love and mercy towards us.


Ceremony and Preparation Dates

Sacramental Program preparation dates for the year 2025 WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON!

But you can start completing the form as early as possible and we will be in contact when the program starts.

Please download the Reconciliation enrolment form (pdf)
Send via email completed and signed form to ne****@bn*.au together with the following required documents:
1. Birth certificate of the child
2. Baptism certificate of the child

Or you can use the online form here.

See our privacy policy

You can settle the minimimal fee for the sacrament of reconciliation of $30 via the payment gateway BPOINT safe and secure once you have submitted all the requirements.

St Brigid's Catholic Parish Nerang

Archbishop: Most Rev Mark Coleridge BA DSS

Administrator: Rev Albert Wasniowski OSPPE

Parish office address:
39-49 McLaren Road
Nerang QLD 4211

Reconciliation Times: Saturdays 8.15AM and 5.15PM - Wednesdays at 5.15PM

Enquire now

Please send your interest by contacting the parish by using the form below.

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