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Parish News and Newsletter

Newsletter – Easter Sunday of the Resurrection. Year B.

Glory Beyond Imagination! “Do not be afraid! I know that you are seeking Jesus the crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he…

Newsletter – Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

QUESTION OF THE WEEK What is humility? Humility is just about the exact opposite of everything you see in the world nowadays! To discover the essentials of humility,…

Newsletter – Fifth Sunday of Lent. Year B.

REFLECTION OF THE WEEK SOLEMNITY OF JOSEPH, HUSBAND OF THE VIRGIN MARY (MARCH 19) The strong, silent type: Joseph never uttered a word in scripture. Instead, he let…

Newsletter – Fourth Sunday of Lent Year B

REFLECTION OF THE WEEK FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT, LAETARE SUNDAY (MARCH 10) Rejoice and be glad Most of us aren’t crazy about being told to “cheer up.” Yet…

Saint Brigid’s Church – Holy Week and Easter Mass Times

Please let everyone know of the mass times this coming Holy Week and Easter

Newsletter – Third Sunday of Lent Year B

Third Sunday of Lent. Year B. Sunday, 3 March 2024 The lines of the First reading, today set the scene for everything that follows. That first sentence is…

Recent Posts

Newsletter – Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C.

REFLECTION by Fr Michael Tate Not a Celestial Joke! Blessed are the poor? – the hungry? – those who mourn? What is Jesus doing in these Beatitudes? Jesus…

Newsletter – Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year C.

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart Try to picture what Simon Peter was like. He was a very proud man, and his reputation as a fisherman…

St. Brigid’s Magazine – Issue #1

Important messages and information shared for the community and visitors of the Catholic Parish. A special edition for the Patronal Feast of our Parish.


A Reflection on the Consecrated Life By Sister MaryAnne,fcJ A reflection given at Manchester Universities’ Catholic Chaplaincy on the World Day of Prayer for the Consecrated Life, 2nd…

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