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Newsletter – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.


REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart

Jesus is so popular, he can’t get away from the crowds. He tries to take the Apostles away in a boat for a little break, but the people find out where they are going, and they arrive ahead of the boat. Still, Jesus pities them and gives in to the crowd. He shifts his focus from resting to preaching. He begins to teach them with the words they long to hear.

Who is someone you would follow with that kind of determination? Is there an athlete, a rock star, or some other performer or celebrity that you would want to see that much? Would you ever take another route to meet up with him or her, just to get a front-row seat? Why or why not?

Would you like to be that famous? Would you like to draw such huge crowds that wherever you go, you have to take a pillow and do your sleeping in the car, boat, plane, or train? Would you like to be so popular that whenever you arrive anywhere, a crowd of fans is waiting to see you and hear from you? Why or why not?

The Apostles had just arrived back from a long journey and were telling Jesus about it. He urges them to get the rest they need.

The teenage years can be a very busy time. Often lots of school, church, and community activities fill a young person’s schedule. Is your life hectic? Do you get the rest you need? Do you get sick sometimes (or often) because you don’t take care of yourself? Or do you eat nutritious meals, exercise, and get enough sleep? What do you think of the pace of your life?


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