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Parish News and Newsletter

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) Year B

In an effort to save paper, reduce waste and cost, we encourage you to subscribe to our Parish newsletter emails, using the form to the right of this…

Newsletter – Fourth Sunday in Advent, Year B

In an effort to save paper, reduce waste and cost, we encourage you to subscribe to our Parish newsletter emails, using the form to the right of this…

Newsletter – Third Sunday in Advent, Year B

In an effort to save paper, and reduce waste and cost, we encourage you to subscribe to our Parish newsletter emails, using the form to the right of…

Newsletter – Second Sunday in Advent, Year B

This week, we gratefully received the the Message Stick for the Sesquicentenary of St Stephen’s Cathedral. Don’t forget to see our Christmas Mass Times, upcoming Dawn Novena Masses, and our…

Newsletter – First Sunday in Advent, Year B

Welcome to the season of Advent! Don’t forget to see our Christmas Mass Times, upcoming Dawn Novena Masses, our Christmas Hamper Appeal, and Marian Valley’s Solemnity of the…

Newsletter – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Year A

Don’t forget you can subscribe to our newsletter by email by entering your details to the right.

Recent Posts

Newsletter – Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart Jesus emphasises the purity that is in our hearts and the purity reflected by our actions. The people criticising him…

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart When Joshua tells the tribes of Israelites that he and his family have chosen to serve the one true God,…

Newsletter – Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart When Jesus speaks of being the bread of life from heaven, the people listening probably don’t understand what he is…

Newsletter – 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Year B.

REFLECTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE – by Lisa-Marie Calderone-Stewart Elijah is exhausted and ready to give up. He asks God to take his life. Have you ever felt that…

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